The Autumn You Left

“Come one. Come all.” Isn’t that the saying of the circus? Not that I knew much about the circus. Only ill-fated memories linger in my mind when I think of those tents. If it had been up to me, I would never have to see them again. Too bad the great depression had other plans . . .

One of the most coveted trick riders in the country, Amelia Roth, had it all—money, stardom, screaming fans, and sold out the seats for each of her performances. And then, the great depression hit, and the country went bankrupt. Facing the dilemma of having to sell her horses just to put food on her table, Amelia’s agent makes one last move to save her career and her animals. He signs her with the Dellucci Brother’s Circus. Amelia detests the thought of performing in the three rings under the tents, but with no other choice, she joins the show, heading out on the next train.

Max Dellucci and his brother had only one dream in life—the circus. After his brother’s death, Max must carry on the show alone. A show that was rolling in the dough until the great depression hit. He has one more season to get the business in the black. If he doesn’t, this will be the last time the circus will perform. Under pressure to find himself a new act, he brings in Amelia Roth, a trick rider with a reputation that fills seats. It’s also an act, however, that his competition for desires their own traveling show, and they will stop at nothing to sign her.

Can Amelia help the Dellucci Brothers Circus stay on for the season? Or will the lights and the attention ultimately cost her everything?